This is a guest post by Alisha Shibli.

Alisha is a Senior Content Marketing & Communication Specialist at Radix, the registry behind some of the most successful new domain extensions, including .STORE and .TECH. You can connect with her on LinkedIn and Twitter.
The definitive guide to understanding the benefits and purpose of a well-designed and powerful squeeze page to obtain useful user data.
Marketers are forever on the lookout for innovative ways to capture user data to widen their customer base. After all, in the highly competitive and numbers-driven online business environment, every visit and every click needs to be squeezed for what it’s worth. This brings us to the concept of ‘squeeze page’, which, when crafted cleverly, can be quite a useful tool in the hands of a marketer.
What Is a Squeeze Page?
Let’s say that you’ve just clicked on a link to a blog or a news website to read an article. While you’re reading, you are interrupted by a popup that asks you to enter your email address to download an eBook or receive a weekly newsletter in your inbox. This is a classic example of a squeeze page.
A squeeze page is a short page that serves a single purpose: to capture a user’s email address for the marketer’s database. The intent is to convert one-time users into regular subscribers. This is achieved by luring them into sharing their email addresses with an exciting prospect, such as access to high-quality & premium content, a discount, or a free product/service.
A squeeze page is meant to interrupt the user’s content consumption and compel them into sharing their email address. They can also choose to close to the page and continue doing what they were doing.

The objective of the squeeze page is to provide value or reward the user. People are understandably cautious about giving away personal information and are unlikely to do so if there is nothing in it for them. Below are a few examples that work best as a giveback on squeeze pages:
- eBook
- Email courses
- Free, premium, expert-authored guide, how-tos or tutorials
- Templates/design aids
- Coupons
- Reports or case studies
- Podcast or webinar

Squeeze Page vs. Landing Page
While all squeeze pages are landing pages, not all landing pages are squeeze pages. A squeeze page is a type of landing page created with the sole purpose of obtaining the user’s email address. A landing page can be created for multiple reasons depending on the campaign.
Both landing pages and squeeze pages are designed to persuade the user to do what you need them to do through well-presented, attention-grabbing content and a clearly defined Call to Action (CTA). But there are some fundamental differences between the two.
Landing Page | Squeeze Page |
A landing page may contain multiple form fields to capture as much user data as possible. | A squeeze page contains only one, or maximum two, form fields, typically the email address and the first name. |
The length of a landing page varies depending upon its purpose. | A squeeze page is always short. In fact, it should be as short as possible. |
A landing page can contain multiple forms of content—copy, videos, pictures, elaborate designs, testimonials, carousels, slideshows, or social sharing buttons. | A squeeze page contains very basic information, just enough to convince the user to share their email address without having to think too much. |
A landing page can be used at any time during the user journey. | A squeeze page is used typically when the user lands on a page or shows the intent to leave. |
A landing page can be on a unique domain name such as or www.(product launch).tech | A squeeze page is a part of the website. |

Elements of a Squeeze Page
A squeeze page needs to pack a lot of punch in a limited space and attention span to convince users to part with their personal information. However, every squeeze page, or at least a good one, needs to satisfy certain conditions and features:
1. Perfect lead magnet
As mentioned before, a squeeze page needs to give the users a compelling reason to share their email addresses. The reward needs to be exciting, relevant and, most importantly, inevitable in its need for the email address.
For instance, an online course or an eBook can be a genuine reason for the users to share their email addresses. On the other hand, asking people to download a file or watch a video doesn’t seem too convincing. The latter is a tad suspicious, and the users know that they can probably watch the video on YouTube without having to give out any personal details.
2. Minimum form fields
The sole purpose of a squeeze page is to collect email addresses, and that’s pretty much all you need to ask the user to fill out. At most, if you want to personalize your communication, you can ask them for their first name.
Ideally, the number of form fields in the page should not exceed two. The more information you ask, the more likely it is that the user will run out of patience and navigate away from your page.

3. Minimal content to-the-point
Do not overcrowd your squeeze page with extraneous content that the users might not have the time or patience to consume. Remember that they are not landing at the squeeze page by choice. Rather, it is an interruption. Making that interruption cumbersome is only going to demotivate them for engaging with you further.
Moreover, it is also a waste of limited space. If the users want to read more about your company or other products, they can surely do so on your website. The squeeze page should only have the information the users need to sign up.
4. A single call-to-action
When the objective of your squeeze page is to ask people to sign up for your mailing or subscription list with their email addresses, it is pointless, even counterproductive, to ask them to do anything else. Do not distract the user by redirecting them away from the page. In fact, an ideal squeeze page should not have any links or buttons except for the sign-up button.
If users have to navigate away from the squeeze page to check out additional information, chances are that they will not come back to the squeeze page, and you will not get that email address.
5. An easy exit option
Not every user would be excited to give away their email address, and that’s okay. Maybe the reward doesn’t interest them. Maybe they are short on time and just want to get on with reading that article on your website.
The page is called a ‘squeeze’ page, but that doesn’t mean that you need to coerce users into giving up their email address. As a host, you must honor that and allow them an easy way out to get on with what they want to do. Make sure you facilitate this with a big ‘No Thanks’ or a cross button to close the squeeze page.

How to Create a Great Squeeze Page?
The features discussed above are all essential to a squeeze page and cannot be compromised. However, that should not stop ingenious marketers from getting creative and using their smarts to potentially increase conversions. There are a few things you could do to make your squeeze page great.
1. Pay attention to design
A squeeze page is small, but that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be visually appealing. It is important to use that small space optimally, making sure you give users all the information they need while paying attention to the placement and color scheme.
A squeeze page that looks cluttered may overwhelm the users. If information is not presented in a neat and eye-catching manner, they will certainly navigate away from the page without bothering to see what it’s really about.
If space permits, it is a good idea to include a picture of the reward as this will allow users to visualize what they can expect. Pictures can also help break the monotony on a text-heavy page. Another useful practice is to make the CTA button and the exit options more prominent.
2. Use content wisely
Powerful and enticing numbers and words, such as the number of downloads or limited availability numbers, can sway the user in the right direction, so can a few positive testimonials. However, try not to be repetitive with your information.
Use the space to make a more convincing case to the user, but be careful not to send out the wrong message. For instance, a friendly CTA copy, such as “Get My Free Copy”, “Start Learning Now”, or even something as simple as “Let me in!”, can be persuasive enough for the user. On the other hand, a passive-aggressive exit option copy such as “No thanks, I don’t like free things” can come across as abrasive, even offensive.
3. Thank them
Acknowledging and appreciating the user’s effort in signing up for your mailing list goes a long way in building trust. A little assurance by way of a “Thank you! Your free product is on its way!”, or an automated email sent to the users right after they have signed up will assure them of your credibility.
Examples of squeeze pages
- Jeff Goins /

This is a wonderful example of how to use minimal but powerful copy and simple yet high-contrast colors to create a squeeze page. The title “100K Readers in 18 Months?” is enticing, and the copy that follows is encouraging. There is only one form field. The CTA button is well-focused with the black color and the exit option is clearly visible.
2. Nomadic Matt /

This squeeze page uses clever design to pack in the important information. It starts with an exciting question in the title, the answer to which would be ‘Yes’ for most people. The information that follows is succinct, and the CTA button copy is unique and in the first person.
3. Simply Recipes /

The copy clearly spells out the benefits of signing up in an enticing manner with just one simple form field. The squeeze page comes in quietly from the left-hand side without interrupting the user’s flow too much. The exit button is also clear.
Creating a squeeze page isn’t a one-time event. As you go along the way, you can test and optimize your squeeze pages depending on your business objectives. You may change the copy, the colors, the design, or may come up with an entirely different CTA. Small tweaks on a regular basis can make a big difference.
Are you using squeeze pages on your website?