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(23 Articles)How to manage logs in Moodle 3
Moodle supports activity logging, which is collated in reports at both course and site level. Administrators can define the logs...
How to create and remove courses in Moodle 3
Once you have your Moodle site installed, you can begin creating courses for your students. To add a course to...
How to install and uninstall a plugin in Moodle 3
Plugins are optional Moodle enhancements that add or extend features such as activities, quiz question types, reports, and integrations with...
How to create feedback in Moodle 3
Moodle’s Feedback activity allows you to request and collate feedback from students using various survey question types. It’s the perfect...
How to create a wiki in Moodle 3
Wikis can provide a convenient resource for your courses, collecting documents, images, links, and other information relevant to your lessons...
How to add static material to a course in Moodle 3
In this article, we’ll show you how to add status material to a Moodle course. Static materials, such as documents,...
How to use lessons in Moodle 3
In Moodle 3, you can build lessons for your courses, which are pages of content students read to support activity...
How to create assignments in Moodle 3
An assignment activity in Moodle 3 creates a space on your site in which your students can submit completed work...
How to use Moodle forums
Moodle 3 supports the use of forums, in which students and teachers can discuss courses, share ideas, or ask for...
User profiles in Moodle 3
Each Moodle user has a user profile and a profile page. Depending on how the Moodle administrator configures profiles, profile...