How to install and set up the WP-Optimize plugin

Installing WP-Optimize is a great idea as it helps increase your site’s performance and speed. In this article, we’re going to show you the steps to install, set up, and reap the full benefits of WP-Optimize. 

First of all, we’ll start by explaining that WP-Optimize offers a result you really want—a fast website that will attract more visitors—by:

  • Deleting unused images
  • Cleaning up your database
  • Compressing images to help them load faster

WP-Optimize also helps your site’s size and speed by providing regular maintenance so your site runs at optimum efficiency. It can do these tasks at a convenient time that suits you.

How to install the WP-Optimize plugin

1. Login to your website’s WordPress dashboard.

2. With HostPapa, you can log in to your HostPapa Dashboard and then click My WordPress. You can refer to this article to help you if needed: How to log in to the WordPress dashboard.

3. Please navigate to Plugins > Add New and then search for the plugin.

Please navigate to Plugins > Add New and then search for the plugin.

To learn more about installing WordPress plugins, please take the time to read this HostPapa knowledge base article: How to install plugins in WordPress.

4. Once the WP-Optimize plugin has been installed, please click Activate.

5. From the WordPress sidebar, navigate to WP-Optimize.
6. After WP-Optimize is activated, you can visit the plugin’s settings and check or select all the actions you would like the plugin to perform. 

After WP-Optimize is activated, you can visit the plugin’s settings and check or select all the actions you would like the plugin to perform.

Database cleanup and optimization

WP-Optimize helps maintain server resources by cleaning and perfecting the database. It also helps clear out database tables, post revisions, auto-draft posts, trashed posts, spam, and many more items.

Page caching

WP-Optimize increases your site’s speed and performance by caching your content on the server. This action allows the server to display the cached copy to visitors, meaning it does not need to download the content again.

If you like: You can enable WP-Optimize’s caching by simply clicking a slider.

You can enable WP-Optimize’s caching by simply clicking a slider.

GZIP compression

GZIP compression shortens file download times by compressing the data before sending it to a user’s browser. 

Modern browsers automatically decompress these files upon arrival to make sure that the compression does not alter the appearance or functionality of a website.

You can enable GZIP compression under the WP-Optimize > Cache page.

Image compression

To improve your WordPress website’s speed, we recommend optimizing your images for the web.

WP-Optimize can identify and compress images according to your chosen Lossy or Lossless settings. Just input your preferences, and WP-Optimize will automatically compress each new image uploaded to your WordPress site.

  • Lossy settings refer to data compression that permanently removes some of the original data from a file to reduce its size. 
  • Lossless settings can compress data or audio without losing information.
WP-Optimize can identify and compress images according to your chosen Lossy or Lossless settings

WP-Optimize will keep any Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) image data intact during the compression.

EXIF stores technical information about a digital image.

WebP conversion

WP-Optimize is also capable of automatically converting JPG and PNG images into the WebP format and using this version when feasible, leading to considerably smaller file sizes.

WP-Optimize is also capable of automatically converting JPG and PNG images into the WebP format and using this version when feasible, leading to considerably smaller file sizes.


Minifying CSS, JavaScript, and HTML is an advanced feature. Although it generally works well for most websites, your site may require specific configurations to function correctly. 

Should you face any problems and are uncertain about the next steps, turn off the feature and seek assistance on the WP-Optimize support forum. For more information, please read the supplied documentation.

How to evaluate the results of WP-Optimize on your website

Suppose you’d like to see the results of WP-Optimize on your site’s performance? You can certainly do this using any of the following tools:

The above tools can provide details of your website’s load times before and after using WP-Optimize.

As always, we recommend backing up your website before you apply any changes. This process ensures that we can roll back updates if you have any issues.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Don’t forget that if you need help with your HostPapa account, you can open a support ticket from your dashboard.

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