How to create a staging site on Managed WordPress service

In this article, we’ll show you how to create a WordPress staging site through your HostPapa Managed WordPress Dashboard. This staging website will help you test any changes or new features before publishing it. 

Just follow these steps!

  1. Log in to your HostPapa Dashboard
  1. Click on My WordPress
Click My WordPress on your HostPapa Dashboard
  1. Select the website name you would like to manage.
To manage your wordpress site, select the correct domain
  1. HostPapa’s Managed WordPress control panel will open. 
  1. Click Create Staging to automatically create a staging copy of your website.
Create Staging
  1. Your Dashboard will take a few minutes to create a WordPress staging site. Once it is ready, you will be able to Publish it or Delete it.
Delete or Publish your staging site.

If you need help with your HostPapa account, please open a support ticket from your dashboard.

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