HostPapa Email

HostPapa Email

(142 Articles)

Size limits on incoming/outgoing email

HostPapa email accounts include limitations for maximum attachment sizes. This limitation varies by email service being used. HostPapa Shared Hosting...

How to increase your email sending limit

In order to protect all users, HostPapa has set limitations on the number of emails that can be sent each...

I can receive emails, but I can’t seem to send them

If this is the case for you – there is most likely a problem with your settings. Here are a...

How to set up a POP or IMAP account on your mobile phone

To set up a POP account on your mobile phone, it must first exist in your HostPapa account. If you...

Your primary HostPapa email address

It is critical that the primary email address HostPapa has on file for you is not one you set up...

How to set up email using Outlook

This is the information you will need to use when setting up your email accounts on personal computers. We strongly...

How to upload website files using Dreamweaver FTP

To upload files via Dreamweaver: There are two things you will need to do in order to upload your files...

How to set up emails to forward and delete automatically

The developers at cPanel removed the aging option in the latest version. However, you actually don’t need to have the...

How to set up Mac Mail POP3

Setting up Mac Mail is easy – simply follow the steps below: 1. Open Mac Mail. 2. Click on Preferences...

Email filtering with SpamAssassin

NOTE: You can use Spam Box or Email Filtering to move spam from your inbox to another folder. Check your...
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