(51 Articles)How to repair MySQL databases and tables with phpMyAdmin
As your website database grows, errors may occur from time to time. Fortunately, tools are available to quickly check and...
How to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin is a popular application for managing MySQL databases. You can use phpMyAdmin to copy tables in your database quickly....
How to delete fields from database tables using phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin is a popular application for managing MySQL databases. Should you need to delete a field from a database table,...
How to keep your cPanel contact information up to date
Should your server experience an issue, your cPanel contact information will be used to provide notifications. Keeping your cPanel contact...
How to create full and partial backup files with cPanel’s Backup Tool
Performing regular backups of the data stored on your server is a vital task that helps to ensure business or...
How to run SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin is a popular application for managing MySQL databases. Alongside everyday tasks such as adding, deleting and modifying data, fields,...
How to modify fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin is a popular application for managing MySQL databases. To modify fields in database tables quickly in phpMyAdmin, follow the...
How to edit the php.ini file
When using PHP scripts, WordPress plugins or themes, you may be asked to change your PHP configuration. Specifically, you may...
How to change the language in cPanel
The cPanel server administration dashboard is available in several languages, alongside English. If you wish to change the cPanel language,...
How to view website statistics in cPanel
AWstats is a popular server log analyzer included with cPanel. It can generate a wide variety of traffic reports allowing...