When you no longer need a personal reminder you can easily remove it from your Calendar.
To remove a reminder from your calendar, you can:
- Mark it done. The reminder stays on your calendar, but it’s crossed out.
- Delete it, which removes the reminder completely.
- Hide all reminders temporarily.
- To mark a reminder done:
Do one of the following options:- If you have a single reminder in a time slot, click the reminder, and then click
- If you have multiple reminders in the same time slot, hover over the reminder block, click the reminder, and click Mark as done
- If you have a single reminder in a time slot, click the reminder, and then click
- To delete a reminder:
- Click the reminder you want to update.
- Do one of the following:
- If you have a single reminder in a time slot, click the reminder and then click Delete
- If you have multiple reminders in the same time slot, click the reminders, choose the reminder you want to erase and then click Delete
- If you have a single reminder in a time slot, click the reminder and then click Delete
- To hide all reminders:
- Under My calendars, uncheck the box before Reminders. All of your reminders will be hidden from your calendar.
- To activate them again, you just need to check the same box.
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