WordPress includes support for a variety of feeds, which allow your content to be viewed and automatically updated in feed reader applications. It provides a convenient way for readers to keep up to date with new content posted on your website.
By default, WordPress supports RDF/RSS 1.0, RSS 0.92, RSS 2.0 and Atom feed formats. There are feeds available for your content and one that just covers comments made by users of your site.
Accessing your feeds
Your WordPress feeds can be found by entering any of the following URLs in your web browser or feed reader:
- https://mysite.com/?feed=rss
- https:// mysite.com/?feed=rss2
- https:// mysite.com/?feed=rdf
- https:// mysite.com/?feed=atom
Note that not all web browsers support integrated feed formatting, so the output may look like code.
Sites using custom permalinks can access feeds using the following URLs, each corresponding to a different feed format:
- https://mysite.com/feed/
- https:// mysite.com/feed/rss/
- https:// mysite.com/feed/rss2/
- https:// mysite.com/feed/rdf/
- https:// mysite.com/feed/atom/
Accessing your comments feed
Your comments feed can be accessed via these URLs:
- Default link: https://mysite.com/?feed=comments-rss2
- Permalink: https://mysite.com/comments/feed/
Accessing post-specific comment feeds
Comment feeds are also published for individual posts, allowing your readers to subscribe to discussion updates for the posts that most interest them:
- Default link: https://mysite.com/?p=33&feed=rss2
- Permalink: https://mysite.com/post-name/feed/
Accessing category and tag feeds
Similarly, WordPress publishes individual feeds for each category and tag, enabling topic-focused subscriptions:
- Tag Default: https://mysite.com/?tag=tagname&feed=rss2
- Tag Permalink: https://mysite.com/tag/tagname/feed
- Category Default: https://mysite.com/?cat=42&feed=rss2
- Category Permalink: https://mysite.com/category/categoryname/feed
Accessing author feeds
Each author registered on your WordPress site also gets their own feed:
- https://mysite.com/author/authorname/feed/
Accessing search feeds
Search terms can also have their own feed:
- https://mysite.com/?s=searchterm&feed=rss2
Adding feeds to a WordPress theme
Many WordPress themes, but not all, support the use of feeds. If you need to add feed support to your WordPress site, you will have to find the location of other feed calls. Feeds are typically called from the sidebar.php or footer.php files in your WordPress theme. Once located, add one of the tags listed above to the list. Here’s an example:
<ul class="feeds"> <li><a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" title="<?php _e('Syndicate this site using RSS'); ?>"><?php _e('<abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr>'); ?></a></li> <li><a href="<?php bloginfo('atom_url'); ?>" title="<?php _e('Syndicate this site using Atom'); ?>"><?php _e('Atom'); ?></a></li> <li><a href="<?php bloginfo('comments_rss2_url'); ?>" title="<?php _e('The latest comments to all posts in RSS'); ?>"><?php _e('Comments <abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr>'); ?></a></li> </ul>
For further questions or if you need help, please open a support ticket from your HostPapa Dashboard. Follow this link to learn how.