HostPapa reseller hosting comes with Web Host Manager (WHM), an industry leading server control panel interface. It’s an easy-to- use tool that will allow you to manage all of your reseller hosting accounts.
Your WHM control panel will list a number of options/functions. These include:
List Accounts. Go here to see all the details of your current reseller accounts, including usage, domain, IP, username, contact email address, set up date, quota and space used. You’ll visit this area often as an administrator.
List Subdomains. Check out what addon or subdomains your resellers might have on their accounts here – they should all be listed.
List Suspended Accounts. Here you’ll see any accounts that have been suspended, and why.
View Bandwidth Usage. Use this area to track your overall bandwidth usage, broken down by accounts. You’ll see a list of all accounts you manage, and the bandwidth used for each, currently and for prior months.
Account Functions
Go here to create, delete, suspend and reinstate accounts. You may also change passwords under Account Functions.
Create a New Account. After you have activated your HostPapa reseller package, click on this option to get started! You will be prompted to fill out the following to create a new account:
- Domain. Enter your client’s domain in this format: (do not include “www” or “https://” and ensure there are no spaces before or after the domain name).
- Username. You may use the username WHM automatically suggests, or you may enter your own. Do not use hyphens, special characters or spaces, and limit your username to 8 characters. You cannot use the username “root” as it is already taken by the server.
- Password. Choose a password; it should contain only letters or numbers that can be found on a regular keyboard. Do not use spaces or special characters.
- Package. This will indicate the pre-set limits and settings that are applied to the accounts you create. To prevent repetition of package names, packages created using a reseller account will be automatically prefixed with your reseller username and an underscore ( _ ).
- Contact Email: The email address will be used by the WHM for automatic notification of issues with the account. You may enter your own email address (instead of the account holder’s email address), if you want to receive these emails.
After filling out these fields, click “Create” to create the account. To ensure the account is completed properly, allow WHM to process the new account entirely before leaving the area.
For more about creating new accounts, view the HostPapa reseller Getting Started Guide.
Modify Suspended Account Page. You may customize the page users see if their account is suspended. You may wish to include your contact email address.
Password Modification. Change your own, or other account passwords, here. Simply enter the new password in the New Password field, then highlight the domain or username for the account you are changing below. Click Change Password to complete the update.
Skeleton Directory. This will let you place files and/or folders inside the /home/username/cpanel3-skel folder (username would be your master reseller username). Whenever a new account is created, these new files and folders will automatically be placed onto the new account. You could create a default parking page for your clients that would appear while they set up their sites, for example.
Suspend/Unsuspend an Account. To suspend an account, highlight the domain or username to suspend, add the reason for the suspension, and click “Suspend.” You may follow the same process to unsuspend an account; simply click “Unsuspend” at the end.
Terminate an Account. This will allow you to remove an account entirely: highlight the account and click the Terminate button. This will completely delete an account; if you want to keep the domains or DNS zones on the server (perhaps the domain has been parked or become an addon to another account), click Keep DNS Zone before you click Terminate. If you do this, only the cPanel account itself will be removed.
Multiple Account Functions
Terminate Multiple Accounts. You would check the domain to the left of the domain name for each account you would like to terminate. When you are ready, click Destroy Selected Accounts. (See “Terminate an Account” above for instructions on preserving domains or DNS zones.)
Change WHM Theme. Change your WHM theme from the default to another theme that better suits your taste.
DNS Functions
Change or edit the MX entries for accounts or the zone templates.
Edit MX Entry. This option will let you add or remove MX zones (email zones) for an account. To do this: highlight the domain in question to the right, then click Edit. Enter the new location the domain should point to in the box that has Change MX entry and click Save.
Edit Zone Templates. Only use this if you want to set up a default MX entry record, for example, for each account you will be creating.
Branding. Change the logo at the top of cPanel when users log into it with this option. They will then see your own logo or whatever you might prefer to appear there. You would place the files into /home/username/cpanelbranding/themename location (username is your master account reseller username).
This area handles creating CSRs for SSL certs, as well as installing purchased SSLs for accounts.
Generate a SSL Certificate and Signing Request. Generate a CSR and keys for an SSL certificate you would be purchasing. You must have a dedicated IP for the account before you can do this.
Install a SSL Certificate and Set up the Domain. Paste the SSL certificate you have purchased onto the domain. Please note that any SSL you purchase must first have a CSR generated, must have a dedicated IP assigned for the domain, and must have the SSL itself generated using ApacheMod SSL rather than OpenSSL or another SSL format.
If you have any questions about any of the processes outlined above, please check out our library of reseller video tutorials here.