Note: This article refers to the legacy version of the Website Builder. If you signed up to the HostPapa Website Builder after March 11 2020, you’re on the new version of the Website Builder. For help, go here.
You can use the Picture Gallery Widget to make your images bigger when clicking on thumbnail. The Picture Gallery Widget can be found in Widgets > Popular. To add it to your page, follow these steps:
- Drag and drop a Picture Gallery Widget to your page.
- Upload the images you would like to use or search already uploaded images.
- Make adjustments to your Picture Gallery Widget, including alignment, margins and hover text by clicking Edit in the upper left hand corner of the widget.
You can read more about the Picture Gallery Widget here: Using the Picture Gallery Widget.
Here is another way to achieve this:
- Upload the thumbnails (these are the small versions of your pictures) and the corresponding full-sized photos into the File Manager.
- Drag and drop a Text Widget on to your page.
- Add the thumbnails by clicking on the Picture button (the one with the green tree) on the Text Editing Toolbar.
- Click on the Page tab on the main menu.
- Click on the green + to add a new page.
- Name your page something logical like photo1 and be sure that the Display in Navigation box is not checked. Your new and empty page will load up ready for you to add the corresponding photograph.
- To make the thumbnail link to the full-sized image, click on your thumbnail and click on the Link button (looks like a chain link with the word Link beside it) on the Text Editing Toolbar. The Link Editor will open up. It will allow you to create a link to the relevant page. Browse for the page you want and click OK.
- Save and republish your site so that your changes will be reflected on your live site.
Alternatively, you can use the Flickr Gallery Widget. It allows you to create a slick photo gallery with thumbnails that link to the larger images in your Flickr photostream. Click on this link for more information: Flickr galleries.