In this article, we’ll show you how to manage the PHP settings for your domains and subdomains. When configuring PHP settings through the Plesk control panel, you can choose from multiple PHP versions and handler types.
Note: If you can’t manage some of the settings described in this article, please contact the HostPapa support team.
How to manage the PHP settings
1. Access your Plesk control panel through your HostPapa Dashboard.
2. Go to Websites & Domains.
3. Click PHP Settings.
4. Choose your preferred PHP version from the corresponding drop-down.
Note: If the PHP version you want is not on the drop-down, contact the HostPapa support team.
IMPORTANT: Some PHP versions may not be compatible with your current PHP version, causing your site to stop working correctly. If this happens, you can always switch to a different PHP version. If you are unsure what PHP version to choose, use the default setting or the latest version available.
5. Click Apply.
How to choose the handler type
1. Access your Plesk control panel through your HostPapa Dashboard.
2. Go to Websites & Domains.
3. Click PHP Settings.
4. Choose your preferred handler type from the corresponding drop-down.
If you are not sure what PHP handler type is the best for you, you can read about the different handle types in this article.
Note: If you need to configure additional PHP settings, please contact the HostPapa support team.
If you need help with Plesk, please open a support ticket from your dashboard.