Nota: Este artículo hace referencia a la versión heredada del Creador de Sitios Web. Si se registró después del 11 de marzo de 2020, está en el nuevo Creador de Sitios Web. Para recibir ayuda, vaya aquí (por ahora solo disponible en inglés).
Search engines cannot see pictures, they read text. You can help the search engines see the topic of your pictures by giving them something called an alternate attribute or alternate text.
If you added the picture using the Picture Widget, you can add alt text as follows:
- Click on the Picture Widget in your page and then click Edit in the top left corner.
- Under Alternative Text, enter your description in the box provided.
- Click Save.
You can add alt text for pictures added with the Text Widget:
- Click on the picture to get the Alt Text.
- Click the “Image alt text” button near the right end of the Text Editing Toolbar. A pop-up form displays.
- In the form, add your alt text in the field.
- Click OK.