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Google Workspace
(145 Articles)Overview: Google Calendar
Google Calendar helps users effectively organize their time and make the most out of their busy workday. It’s an online...
Overview: Google Docs
Google Docs is a suite of apps that allows users to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, forms, and more. A...
Overview: The benefits of Gmail
Google Workspace offers Gmail, a secure, effective, and easy-to-use email application. Google has taken their popular free Gmail service and...
Overview: Google Sites
Google Sites allows businesses to set up internal sites quickly with easy-to-use professional templates – it’s as straightforward as editing...
How to access Google Workspace from the internet browser on your mobile device
Most of the applications from Google Workspace are available on Google Play or the App Store on your mobile device....
How to access your Google Workspace webmail using Gmail
The ability to access email on demand is vital to business in today’s day and age. Often, an app may...
How to upload files to Drive from your phone or tablet
Google Drive makes it easy to upload files from anywhere, even from mobile devices. Use the Drive app to store...
How to customize your Google Calendar colours
You can customize the look of Google Calendar to make it look the way you want. Changing event colours can...
How to update Drive files
Whether you’re on the web or just on your computer, you can easily update your files in Drive to ensure...
How to check your sync status in Drive
There is no need to worry about if files are synced properly, as it is easy to check from the...